Sunday 28 December 2014

How to Add a Print it Button to Your Blogger Blog!

Allowing your users to print your blog posts with just a single click is something that is pretty cool. On the other hand, almost all browsers provide the flexibility to print a web page by just going to “File” and “Print”. Different people have different choices and different people like to have a print feature on their blog posts for different reasons. You may just like to add a continent way. When users can print your posts with just one click then why they should be doing some complicated processes? In this article, we will show you how to add a quick print button to your Blogger blog.

The First thing you will be doing is to login into your Blogger Dashboard. Now After logging in, go to your blog >> Template >> Edit HTML >> Search for <div class='post-header-line-1'/>  and just above it paste the following code. Once everything is done, press “Save Template” button to conclude the process.

 <div style="float: left; padding-left: 10px;">
<a href="javascript:window.print()" rel="nofollow">Print this Article</a></div>


Now to give your button a beautiful touch, you need to customize it with a bit of CSS. You can create any kind of image using any popular photo editing or deigning tool Like Photoshop and can simply apply the modest CSS to make it work. Here is a small example of how you can stylize your print it button.

 <div style="float: left; padding-left: 10px;">
<a href="javascript:window.print()" rel="nofollow"><img src="" /></a></div>

Congratulations: You have successfully learned how to add print it button in blogger blog. Not only that, but you can also stylize it according to your desire needs. You can also preview your posts to see everything is working in an order or not. We hope this tutorial has facilitated to understand how to add print it button in blogger. What are your judgments about adding a Print button to your blog? Does it is value to use these buttons or it is just waste of space? Let us know what you think about it.

Sunday 21 December 2014

How to Verify Your PayPal Account Through State Bank Of India!

Most of webmasters, publishers and bloggers used PayPal for sending and receiving money globally over Internet. But there is a limit for sending and receiving money until you will not confirmed your PayPal Account. The most common method to verify your PayPal account is just attaching your Credit card to PayPal. But in India Most of Bloggers and Publisher don’t own a credit card. But they can also verify their PayPal Account. You can verify your PayPal Account with any International Bank of India like State Bank Of India, Union Bank Or India, Punjab National Bank, ICICI, HDFC, Citi Bank, Bank Of Baroda, Central Bank Of India, Axis Bank etc... This is very simple process and takes 4 to 7 days to complete.

But most of Indian Publisher makes mistake during this process and hence they feel unable to verify their PayPal account. In this post I am explaining how you can verify your PayPal account through State Bank of India (SBI) account.

1,Go to your PayPal account and click Add/Edit Bank Account under Profile Tab.
2,Now Click on Add Tab.
 3,Choose your country as India.
 4,Add you Name. ( It would exactly same as on your Bank Account)
5,Add NEFT IFSC Code. Click here to find SBI IFSC Code for your SBI Branch.
6,Add your Account Number. (add full account number 17 digits, including zeros)
7,Reenter your Account Number.
8,Now Add This.
 9,Once you successfully add your account, you can verify it.
10,Click on the Verify link.
11,And wait for 4 to 7 days, PayPal will add two small amounts on your SBI Account. (it will be very small amount like Rs. 1.02 or Rs. 1.03 etc..)
12,Now verify your PayPal account by adding these two amounts on PayPal.
13,After you will add both the amount your account status will become verified.
14,Now you’re Sending and Receiving limits has been finished.

If you feel any problem you may ask to me. Once you will verify your SBI Bank Account you can withdraw PayPal funds to your SBI Bank Account directly. It will take usually 3 to 10 working days.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

How to Make Money Writing for Hubpages What is Hubpages?

Before I start getting into detail, I should explain the basics. Hubpages is a website that basically allows you to publish an article on their site. I use the term “article” loosely because it can be as short as an article or more like a single page website. It is completely up to the user. A hub (their lingo for article) can be about any topic you could possibly want to write about. You could create a hub explaining 10 things you wished people knew about you, how to play guitar with your toes, or facts about albino grizzly bears.

 You do not need to be a great writer and honestly, I have seen some people who are terrible writers do quite well. All you need is the ability to say a little bit about something. And who knows maybe hubpages will be the first step to helping you make money from a blog?

So how do you make money with Hubpages?

There are actually a variety of ways, but the simplest and most effective way I have found so far has been by using Google Adsense. After you finish your first hub you can install your Adsense ID and you will begin sharing the revenue with Hubpages for your hubs.

If you pick good keywords (which I will get to in a minute) you will likely begin getting traffic from the search engines within 24 hours of publishing it. If these visitors click on the ads you will get a cut of that revenue (I think it is 60%).

My results during July

I spent most of July trying to create a hub every day or so and I am now up to 23 hubs. I didn’t do the best job with keyword research and did very little if any work after creating the hubs and yet adsense still made $47.14 in March.

This breaks down to $2.05 per hub/month. Two dollars doesn’t sound too exciting, but if you consider that is probably completely passive income it is pretty exciting. In theory, that $2 per hub should continue paying that each month – and to be honest most pages do better in the search engines after they have been around a few months or more. So it very well could increase over time as well.

I am going to continue to create some more hubs during the month of August and see what the results are. I will try to keep this post updated with the new results each month.

Steps to get started

If you are interested in giving this a shot, these are the steps to get started.

    ► Sign up at Hubpages
    ► Create your first hub. Once you get to the design page, it is pretty self-explanatory.
    ► Sign up for an Adsense account (if you don’t have one). This might take a couple days to get approval.
    ► Add your Adsense ID to Hubpages. When you are logged into Hubpages, you click the “My Account” button, and then the “Affiliate Settings” link. This is where you will install your Adsense ID.
    ► That’s it. Once it is installed, you will begin making money when someone clicks on the ads. Warning: do not click the ads yourself or tell others to click them. Google will catch you and will ban you from the program.

Keys to succeeding

Keyword research

This is probably the most important part. The title of your hub needs to be based on your keyword research. A good place to look is Google’s Keyword Research tool – drop in some keywords that your article might be about and see what comes back at you. I believe this is more of an art than a science, so just find a keyword phrase that is being searched for and give it a shot.

But I do suggest looking for longer phrases, i.e. Don’t title your page “ipods” but something like “how to put music on your ipod” would likely work a lot better. But either way, you just have to test to see what works. Sometimes your research will work just like planned and other times it won’t. But the good news is that even if you don’t do any research, you still have a chance of picking up some visitors on Hubpages. But, the more you plan out your keywords the better you will do.

Get Links

Like I mentioned above, I didn’t really get many links to my hubs, but if you can link to it from your blogs and get other links it will definitely be helpful. Submitting it to social bookmarking sites might be helpful as well. Linking your hubs to each other is a good idea too.


Generally speaking the more content you put on your hub the better. I would say 400 words should be a minimum. Shooting for 600-1000 would probably be best. And add as many of the widgets as you can. You can add a news widget, a poll to ask your readers a question, etc. You don’t necessarily NEED to add a bunch of widgets, but it will probably help.

Learn and adapt

Not all hubs will work. In fact, for me of the 23 I have created thus far 5 of them are generating about 90% of the traffic.

Referral Program

Per a reader’s request to discuss the referral program, I will touch on that. The links to hubpages in this article are referral links. I haven’t referred any users in the past and honestly don’t really know how or how much can be made from the referrals – but if anyone signs up via the links, I will add that to the update next month.

Saturday 29 November 2014

Best Books To Learn Android Application Development!

Android is a linux based operating system and was built by Android Inc. which was later bought by Google in 2005. The best thing about Android is that it's open-source which means you can easily modify it the way you like without worrying about Google suing you.

Learning Android Application Development is a very exciting and interesting journey. I would recommend everyone who uses computer to learn android because of two reasons. First one being that you can design your own apps and use it in your smartphone or tablet. Second, if your app is unique and interesting, you can put that in Google Play store and earn lots of money

Here is a interesting fact for you : Angry Birds is now a brand worth $5.5 billion and the creators of Temple Run are earning in millions. If they can do it, why can't you? 

Here are the list of some of the best books which you can use to learn about Android and develop apps. Lets begin!

 Android : A Programmer's Guide 1st Edition

This is the best book for a person who is beginning from scratch. I would highly suggest you to buy this book along with the books listed below. This book has content written in a fashion that everyone can understand. You will start from learning how to install Java, Eclipse and setting up the Android Environment and then you will proceed gradually.This book is a must for any newbie.
 Beginning Android 4 Application Development

This is a great book for somebody who is just about to begin learning about Android. If you are just starting with Android and want to learn some basic things, go for this book. 
Professional Android 4 Application Development

If you want to learn most of the things related to Android, I would suggest you to go for this book.A great book which covers almost all the aspects of Android Application Development. This covers utilizing various hardware components like camera, NFC, Bluetooth, WiFi etc in your apps.
 Learning Android Game Programming : A Hands-On Guide to Building Your First Android Game 1st Edition

This book assumes that you already know something about Android Development. This book is an absolute gem for people who are on a low budget but want to create games for Android. You will learn about topics like Animations, Sounds, Physics, Artificial Intelligence which are the key components of a game. If you are aware of Android Development and now want to create some games, go for this.


Buy From Flipkart
So these were some of the books which you could use to learn Android Development. You can buy one book or you can buy all the books, both of the decisions will not go in vain. The books have been listed in a order from absolute beginner to advanced. So one day or the other you are going to need all the books.
If you want to suggest another book which is not present in the list, feel free to leave a comment in the comment section below. If it is good enough, we will credit you and update the list.

I wish you all the best in your Android Adventure and hope that you will soon build an app and contact me to review it!

Sunday 23 November 2014

Make Your Old Computer Run Faster Instantly!

It gets really irritating when you use a slow old computer in the age of Quad-Core processors. There are mainly two reasons why you would want to make your old computer run faster. 
 ►That's your only computer!
►You don't want to throw away your old computer.
Whatever may be the reason, I will give you some ways to help your old computer breath some life.

1. Upgrade RAM

Upgrading other parts of the motherboard such as processor or graphics card are out of the question but you can always upgrade your computer's RAM. While it may be difficult to find the right version of RAM for your computer, you can always lookup on classified ads sites and online shopping websites. If lucky, you might get it there.

2. Clean Desktop

Remove all the icons in your desktop. After the cleaning, there should be only two icons - My Computer and Recycle Bin.

3. Clean OS Containing Drive

Remove files from your drive where your OS has been installed. Transfer the files to other drive until the free space is more than 40%.

4. Remove Crappy Softwares

Uninstall crappy softwares like toolbars and others which you don't use. It might seem impossible to get rid of all your beloved programs at first, but do it anyway!

5. Run Disk Defragmenter

When used for a long time, the files in your computer gets fragmented. In simpler words, it gets difficult for your computer to search for the required files and thus making your computer run slow.

Go to - Start > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Defragmenter.

Analyze and then defragment!

6. Adjust For Best Performance

When using a old computer, its better to keep away from the fancy transitions and other stuff.

Right click on My Computer > Advanced System Settings > Under the Advanced Tab, check for Performance and click Settings > Adjust for Best Performance > Apply .

7. Run CCleaner

CCleaner is a great piece of software. You can use CCleaner to clean temporary files and fix your registries. Doing both of the task will definitely help improve the performance of your computer.

Story: It had been a long time since I had run CCleaner on my computer. So I decided to run it. You won't believe that I had 12 GB of temporary files on my computer!

8. Clean your CPU 

Open your CPU's cabinet and grab a vacuum cleaner and start blowing on the motherboard. Dust the cobwebs and clean the cabinet completely. 

9. Install a New OS

Most probably you are running Windows OS in your old computer. While its not bad but there are other OS which can run faster on your old computer and one such OS is Puppy Linux.

So here you have it, somes ways to make your old computer run faster. Do you know any other way to do the same? Do have have any questions or queries? Do all of that in the comments section below.

Don't forget to share this article with people with old computers!

Saturday 15 November 2014

Android: How to Change the Google Account without a Hard Reset!

This is quite an old trick but it is very very useful trick for them who changes their google id from GOOGLE PLAY STORE  Again and again so if you want to switch your google account in GOOGLE PLAY and if you do not want to RESET PHONE SETTINGS then you can follow this tip to add or change google account from GOOGLE PLAY.

Instructions:(You must have a rooted Phone)

1)Download ES FILE EXPLORER or ROOT EXPLORER from Market
2)then go to INTERNALMEMORY/data/system/ and Delete Accounts.db file
3)Restart your phone and Done.

Comment if you face any problem 
I have used it a number of times..

Thursday 13 November 2014

List of Top 25 Online Shopping Websites in India!

Have you noticed how quickly the Indian Online Shopping Industry has grown? We didn't even talk about Online Shopping about 3 years ago but since then we have witnessed the rapid growth of the same.

This revolution was the result of a service which won the hearts of people - "Cash on Delivery". People felt insecure and were reluctant to use and share their credit/debit card numbers online but due to the introduction of the "Cash on Delivery" service, people didn't have to worry about that. You simply had to place the order and wait till the product arrives to your doorstep and once your ordered item is in your hand, you can pay the amount. Pheww!!

So I guess this much is enough for now, lets now head over to the ultimate list of top 25 online shopping website in India. Go!

Wait! Everything literally doesn't mean "everything". In the following list of websites you can  buy stuff like electronics, clothing, household items etc.

Vijay Sales
Croma Retail


You will find all the parts and equipments related to computers and other gadgets in the following websites.



You will find musical equipments and accessories like keyboards, guitars, recording equipments here.

Raj Musicals


As the title suggests, you will find stuff related to clothing and apparel.



You will find website which will provide the services to make a website.

    Go Daddy


Websites where you can book tickets for bus, train, plane or hotels.


So here you have it, the list of top 25 Online Shopping websites in India. Which one is your favorite? Let me know that in the comments section below.

Do share this with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter!

Saturday 1 November 2014

Tamanna to pair up with Arya

Even after Tamanna’s latest Tamil film Veeram was a biggest hit it failed to boost her career. She did not get any Tamil movies. She got the opportunity to work with Arya.

Director Rajesh M made his debut venture in the movie Siva Mansel Shakti which was a success. Boss Engira Baskaran – the superhit film which has featured Arya, Nayanthara, Santhanam in the lead roles has earned notable fame to all the actors and the film was recently said in the media that it will soon be having a sequel.

But now the director Rajesh has now denied it. He has said that he is in plans of making a new film with Arya, with a new script, but it isn’t the sequel of the Boss engira Baskaran.

Rajesh has tweeted “I am not doing beb 2.working on a fresh script, Arya, Thamanna and santhanam doing the lead roles and arya’s “The show people” is producing it”.

Lakshmi Rai speaks of her not doing ‘Muni 3’

It was reported that Lakshmi Rai is doing Muni 3 directed and acted by Lawrence. Now, Tapsee does the movie Muni 3. Regarding the development, Lakshmi Rai spoke:-

‘Nobody told that I am to do the third part of movie ‘Muni’. As ‘Muni 2 – Kanchana’ turned hit, there was anticipation among fans that I would do the third part of Muni. My fans are disappointed that I am not into the movie.’

‘Fans convey their disappointment through Email and Twitter. The story of Muni 3 is totally different. It might be director’s opinion that I would not suit the upcoming flick. He is used to doing everything correctly. He has the right to decide the cast. I never anticipated doing Muni 3. So, I am not disappointed.’

Anuskha injured during a fight scene

While filming a fight scene Anushka was injured. Anushka Shetty is playing the female lead in the epic films Rudhramadevi and Baahubali in Tamil and Telugu.

The actress has lot of action scenes that involve sword fighting and horse-riding in both  films. During a fight scene her right arm was wounded severely. She was immediately admitted in the hospital and the doctors have treated and tie a bandage.

Friday 17 October 2014

Kaththi to be released despite of opposition : “U” rating from the censor board

Vijay’s upcoming film, “Kaththi”, has received a clean “U” rating from the censor board.

With the censor formalities complete, “Kaththi” team is expected to commence the promotional activities of the film. The film’s posters, teaser and the songs have generated a huge buzz surrounding the project. Fans are eagerly waiting to see the trailer, which was expected to be released this weekend.

During the audio release function of the film there was tension in Tamilnadu but the police controlled it. During the audio function Vijay has said that the movie was not made to create fight but for happy entertain purpose. He also said that he is not Martyr neither a traitor.

Monday 28 July 2014

STR making a cameo in Ajith 55..?

Recently certain sections of media were abuzz with reports claiming that actor Silambarasan aka STR will be making a cameo appearance in Ajith’s 55th film that is being directed by Gautham Menon. STR is a diehard fan of Ajith and he also shares a good rapport with Gautham with whom he started working in another film after the super hit ‘Vinnai Thaandi Varuvaaya’. Hence it was believed that the reports of STR doing a cameo has some credence.

However Silmabarasan has refuted these claims as mere rumours. Simbu has said though he respects Ajith a lot and would love to work with him in a film, it is not true that he is making a cameo appearance in the star’s 55th film.

STR is currently working in director Pandiraj’s ‘Ithu Namma Aalu’ which is nearing competition His long delayed film ‘Vaalu’ is in post production stage and it is expected to hit the screens soon. He is likely to resume work on his film with Gautham after the latter completes the Ajith film.

Sunday 15 June 2014

News in Tamil Cinema Jaya Raja Movie Title Fixed

Jayam Ravi has been busy facing the arc lights for the film with Nayanthara, which is being directed by his brother Raja. Now we hear that the film has been titled Thani Oruvan.

We hear that at least 40 per cent of the portions have been canned already.

The film being an action-entertainer will be laced with romance. Nayan will play a cop in the film.

Devi Sri Prasad is scoring the music for the film and Ramji is handling the cinematography.

Jayam Ravi and Raja last worked together in Thillalangadi, which was a remake of the Telugu hit, Kick.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Vijay to act in MGR film Remake...!

Director Selvabarathi who has debuted with the blockbuster movie Ninaithen vandhai, has now decided to remake M.G.R's "Enga Veettu Pillai".

Selvabarathi has directed Vijay's past movies such as Ninaithen vandhai,Priyamaanavale,Vaseegara will now be directing Ilayathalapathy Vijay in the Enga Veetu Pillai Remake. Selvabarathi is even the friend of Vijay.

Enga Veetu Pillai which has released in 1965 with M.G.R in dual roles was a blockbuster at that period and it had broken many records in Tamil Cinema.

Currently Vijay is busy acting in Kaththi which is being directed by A.R.Murugadoss.

Kaththi has Samantha in the female lead while Nein Nitin Mukesh is the villain. The film who has landed in the controversy that Lyca Productions which is a part of the producing unit is close to the sri Lankan president Rajapaksa.

 The shooting for the film is now going on in a brisk pace.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

VIP acquired new producer...!

A famous cinematographer velraj's debut film is VIP(Velai Illa Patathari).starring Dhanush and Amala Paul, is expected to release either in the month of June or July. in this film is produced Dhanush himself and in this film sound score by Aniruth.

He's one of the famous composer in Tamil industry.He's currently working for Mega project Kathathi who's direct by Murugadoss.

VIP audio track was already released and got very hug appreciation.So all are eagerly waiting for this project,but now closed source said  VIP's release rights have reportedly been acquired by Escape Artists Motion Pictures who will now be marketing and distributing the movie ahead of its release.

Escape Artist Motion Picture recently involved in Siva Karthikeyan's Maan Karate which has met with a grand opening.So Dhanush also very expect in this film because he want big success now.

10 Best Foods For Your Bones...!

Mothers make it a point to feed their children with dairy products so that their bones are strong. Today, with the growing number of people facing problems related to their bones, experts have stated that the food we eat is not enough to keep our bones healthy. There are some foods that are good for bones and it must be added to diet.

As you age, our bones will begin to calcify and thus will lead to further problems in old age. So, according to experts, youngsters should make it a point to add certain bone building foods so that they age gracefully without any aches and pains.

Calcium is a mineral which is essential for proper body function and it is stored in your bones. Our body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium. So, if you are not receiving a good amount of calcium in your diet, it can lead to fragile, brittle bones and hence you will be prone to fractures and disease.

Here are some of the best bone building foods to opt for. Take a look at these calcium-rich foods to keep your bones healthy.

One cup of milk has about 30 percent of calcium you need daily for the best health of your bones.

Dark, leafy greens such as kale, arugula, watercress and collard greens are perhaps the best non-dairy sources of calcium.

Fatty fish such as salmon are probably the best source of calcium. One serving of salmon will provide you with all the vitamin D you need in a day.

Cheese is made from milk. Milk has lots of calcium which is why it is good for your bones.

It contains around 42 percent of calcium in one serving of yogurt. If you want to make your bones healthy, then make sure to add yogurt to your diet.

It is rich in magnesium which is good for the bones. A handful of pumpkin seeds will help in preventing osteoporosis.

To keep your bones healthy, you need to have a rich diet filled with potassium. The food highest in potassium is apricots which you need to consume at least once in a week.

Strawberries have a lot of Vitamin C which enables your body to produce collagen, a protein that contributes to bone strength and integrity.

Consuming cereal which has grain and wheat is good for the bones since it contains 25 per cent of your daily vitamin D.

Calcium and Vitamin D is present in oranges which will boost your bones to be a lot more healthier

Tuna is a fatty fish which is loaded with vitamin D. It contains high amounts of beneficial nutrients like potassium, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids which is good to keep your bones strong.

An egg contains a good amount of vitamin D which can improve bone health over a period of time.

This green vegetable is an excellent source of vitamin C, fiber, and nutrients which is therefore good for your bones.

Monday 20 January 2014

Jilla success party with the two Superstars

Ilayathalapathy Vijay and Malayalam Superstar Mohanlal starrer Jilla’s success meet was celebrated in Vijay’s house, on Friday the 17th of January.

50 people from the team, including the two stars, participated in the party. Veterans Bhagyaraj and Vairamuthu were also seen celebrating with the team but lead heroine Kajal Aggarwal was not present at the party due to her prior commitments.

The commercial potboiler, directed by RT Neason, released on January 10th and was immediately acclaimed by the fans of Vijay.

A specially made cake for the party said, “Sivanum Sakthiyum serntha Mass da.” Yes - Mass, indeed.

'Punch Song' for ‘Aaha Kalyanam’

'Aaha Kalyanam' is a Romantic Tamil Movie, Produced by Yash Raj Films, Starring Nani & Vani Kapoor and the film is directed by Gokul Krishna.

Young Music Director Dharan has given number of rhythmic melodies in The Producers of the film 'Aaha Kalyanam' has announced the single track song launch of the film Aaha Kalyanam. This 'Punch Song' was aired Yesterday evening.

The Producers have promised that the single track termed as 'Punch song ' will be a star of attraction, which means the lyrics are covered with the punch lines of the popular stars of Tamil film industry, which would be welcomed by the Fans of all the Tamil movie Stars.

Hansika does lungi dance for Maan Karate

Maan Karate starring Hansika and Sivakarthikeyan is directed by Thirukumaran. The team is off to Chandigarh to shoot for two songs.

Reportedly, the weather has gone below zero degrees, but the shooting is still happening at a brisk pace. However, Hansika will be shaking a leg wearing lungis and shirts in the song.

The crew is having a tough time traveling from the city to the shooting place due to the weather conditions. Dance master Brinda has choreographed the routine that features the lead pair.

Veeram screening made special by Ajith's family..!

Veeram, the commercial entertainer starring Ajith is being watched and celebrated by fans and the people in the industry.

We had reported recently that Simbu caught up with the movie in a theatre amid his busy schedule.
Well, the latest news is that Ajith's wife Shalini was spotted in Chennai Sathyam cinemas yesterday, 18th January 2014, along with their daughter Anoushka to catch up with Veeram. The crowd was apparently exuberant about the fact that they got to watch Thala's movie along with Shalini and Anoushka.

It must be noted that Shalini had earlier seen the movie on the first day along with Ajith's fans in Chennai's Devi Paradise theater.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

IPL 2014: Is Shane Watson the right man to fill Rahul Dravid’s shoes?

Rajasthan Royals have become a force to reckon with in the Indian Premier League. They are probably the most balanced squad in the tournament, a side which comprises of youngsters as well as veterans. While the side has somebody like Sanju Samson – who is doing wonders as an 18-year-old, it also has someone like Pravin Tambe – the 42-year-old who bamboozled everybody with his unplayable deliveries in the 2013 edition of the tournament. With these stars, until the last season, the Royals had the privilege of having Rahul Dravid as their skipper, and ‘The Wall’ did an incredible job by keeping the team together, despite all the controversies. But now that Dravid has retired, it’s time to think about who could be the next skipper for Rajasthan Royals.

Following the norms for IPL 7, the Royals retained their five key players – Shane Watson, Ajinkya Rahane, James Faulkner, Stuart Binny and Sanju Samson. While Ajinkya Rahane has done a wonderful job for Rajasthan in the last couple of years, considering his experience and the all-round show for the Royals in the past, Shane Watson is someone who is likely to be Dravid’s successor.

The only factor which goes against Shane Watson, is his temper. While Rahul Dravid was the one who kept the team united, and inspired them to play clean cricket, he was also the first one to interfere, the moment an on field controversy triggered. But Watson is someone who can be provoked within the blink of an eye. His brawl with Mumbai Indians’ star Kieron Pollard, is known to all, and it would become very easy for the opponents to disrupt the momentum of the Royals’ squad, by instigating their skipper. Such incidents will not only affect the Royals as a team, but will probably hamper Watson’s form as well.

The Australian has been a part of the Royals squad ever since the tournament started in 2008, and being a senior member of the team, there would be a lot of responsibility on his shoulders now that Dravid would play the role of a mentor. In IPL, Watson has been a key member of the team, and while he has often opened the innings, the team management also used him lower down the order in 2013, where his late onslaught won several matches for the Dravid-led side. Thus he has the potential to lead the squad.

The team management might also contemplate over giving the captaincy to an Indian player. Ajinkya Rahane is someone who comes to mind, as the likes of Binny and Samson are too young, and inexperienced to lead the side. One other player who could possibly lead the squad is Brad Hodge – Royals’ superstar who has single-handedly won several matches under intense circumstances. While the Australian hasn’t been retained by the team management, he should be their first choice using the right-to-match card. Hodge is believed to be the most experienced player in the T20 format, and Rajasthan wouldn’t want to lose a player of his caliber in the IPL auction to be held in Bengaluru on February 12, 13.

But the franchise would want to choose a skipper for long run, and even though Hodge can give a youngster run for his money, at 39, there is an uncertainty as to how long would he continue playing in the cash-rich tournament.

The Royals have had the pleasure of having some fantastic skippers in the past, as first Shane Warne led them to their maiden title in the inaugural season. Many doubted the capabilities of Dravid when he was handed over the captaincy, but the Indian veteran did extremely well by encouraging youngsters as well as ageing stars to do well for the side.

Considering all the aspects, Shane Watson is the favourite to lead the squad. While it could do wonders to Watson’s personal form, the move could also backfire for the Royals, and thus the captaincy conundrum is something which would be topic of discussion among the Royals’ think tank. After all, Dravid’s shoes are too big to fill for anybody.

Galaxy S5 specs leak, including a 2560×1440 display!

Samsung will almost certainly reveal the Galaxy S5 in just a couple of months. Predictably, though, some insiders have already let details about upcoming flagship device slip.

An inside source that spoke to Sammobile had plenty more to say than the Samsung VP who recently sat down for an interview with Bloomberg.

What does this source say you can expect in the Galaxy S5? For starters, an improved display with a native resolution of 2560×1440. It’s expected to measure around 5.2 inches, which would make the Galaxy S5 about the same size as the original Galaxy Note — although Samsung has managed to shave off a bit of bezel since the launch of their first phablet.

Either an Exynos 6 or Snapdragon 805. The Exynos 6 is expected to feature ARM’s big.LITTLE architecture and pack four Cortex-A57 cores and four low-power Cortex-A53 cores. It should also be Samsung’s first with 64-bit support.

The Snapdragon 805 wouldn’t be a bad choice, though, with its Adreno 420 GPU. Either way, the Galaxy S5 will have plenty of processing power under the hood. Also good news: Samsung is reportedly going to solder on 3GB of RAM.

Internal storage will likely start at 16GB. A bump there would have been nice, but device manufacturers still love to rake in the inflated profits that extra NAND offers. A 16MP camera is also expected, and it may feature OIS like the LG G2.

Samsung is also considering offering a high-end model with a metal body for around €800 and a polycarbonate one for €150 less. Just in case the marquee offering doesn’t suit your particular needs, Samsung’s still planning to offer a more modestly-sized S5 mini and an S5 Zoom for smartphone photogs.

While this leak has exposed a few key details, Samsung has made it clear that improved hardware isn’t really the focus for the Galaxy S5. The software and user experience are due for a major overhaul, and Samsung’s hoping they’ll provide the wow factor some found lacking in the Galaxy S4.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Sony Teases Its Next Wearable Technology...!

Sony has left us craving for more by teasing its next wearable technology. Sony’s SmartWear is not a smartwatch but a tiny wearable which will be coupled with an Android app to help the wearer maintain a log of his/her life. The SmartWear consists of a removable Core sensor pack and a SmartBand bracelet which serves as a fitness tracker as well as life logger. Sony has kept the details vague but as far as we can work out from the product page the SmartWear is able to track physical activities like walking, running, cycling and even sleeping and it also lets you bookmark events on the companion Lifelog app by pressing the Life Bookmark key on the SmartBand. F3AGT93R2H3G

 The SmartBand can be paired with your smartphone using NFC and it uses Bluetooth connectivity to transmit information. The SmartBand vibrates and alerts wearer whenever he/she gets a call or receives a message or a notification from any app. It also lets you mute your smartphone. The SmartBand lets you play, pause and skip tracks while listening to music. The SmartBand is trying to rise from the existing competition by giving you the option of nine colour variants. The Smartband is waterproof and is claimed to last for up to five days on a single charge. The SmartBand is also a cheaper wearable with its 99 Euros (8,415 INR) price tag. The SmartBand with the removable Core unit is expected to arrive in European and US markets by the first quarter of 2014 and we are expecting a more detailed announcement from Sony during the Mobile World Congress 2014.