Sunday 28 December 2014

How to Add a Print it Button to Your Blogger Blog!

Allowing your users to print your blog posts with just a single click is something that is pretty cool. On the other hand, almost all browsers provide the flexibility to print a web page by just going to “File” and “Print”. Different people have different choices and different people like to have a print feature on their blog posts for different reasons. You may just like to add a continent way. When users can print your posts with just one click then why they should be doing some complicated processes? In this article, we will show you how to add a quick print button to your Blogger blog.

The First thing you will be doing is to login into your Blogger Dashboard. Now After logging in, go to your blog >> Template >> Edit HTML >> Search for <div class='post-header-line-1'/>  and just above it paste the following code. Once everything is done, press “Save Template” button to conclude the process.

 <div style="float: left; padding-left: 10px;">
<a href="javascript:window.print()" rel="nofollow">Print this Article</a></div>


Now to give your button a beautiful touch, you need to customize it with a bit of CSS. You can create any kind of image using any popular photo editing or deigning tool Like Photoshop and can simply apply the modest CSS to make it work. Here is a small example of how you can stylize your print it button.

 <div style="float: left; padding-left: 10px;">
<a href="javascript:window.print()" rel="nofollow"><img src="" /></a></div>

Congratulations: You have successfully learned how to add print it button in blogger blog. Not only that, but you can also stylize it according to your desire needs. You can also preview your posts to see everything is working in an order or not. We hope this tutorial has facilitated to understand how to add print it button in blogger. What are your judgments about adding a Print button to your blog? Does it is value to use these buttons or it is just waste of space? Let us know what you think about it.

Sunday 21 December 2014

How to Verify Your PayPal Account Through State Bank Of India!

Most of webmasters, publishers and bloggers used PayPal for sending and receiving money globally over Internet. But there is a limit for sending and receiving money until you will not confirmed your PayPal Account. The most common method to verify your PayPal account is just attaching your Credit card to PayPal. But in India Most of Bloggers and Publisher don’t own a credit card. But they can also verify their PayPal Account. You can verify your PayPal Account with any International Bank of India like State Bank Of India, Union Bank Or India, Punjab National Bank, ICICI, HDFC, Citi Bank, Bank Of Baroda, Central Bank Of India, Axis Bank etc... This is very simple process and takes 4 to 7 days to complete.

But most of Indian Publisher makes mistake during this process and hence they feel unable to verify their PayPal account. In this post I am explaining how you can verify your PayPal account through State Bank of India (SBI) account.

1,Go to your PayPal account and click Add/Edit Bank Account under Profile Tab.
2,Now Click on Add Tab.
 3,Choose your country as India.
 4,Add you Name. ( It would exactly same as on your Bank Account)
5,Add NEFT IFSC Code. Click here to find SBI IFSC Code for your SBI Branch.
6,Add your Account Number. (add full account number 17 digits, including zeros)
7,Reenter your Account Number.
8,Now Add This.
 9,Once you successfully add your account, you can verify it.
10,Click on the Verify link.
11,And wait for 4 to 7 days, PayPal will add two small amounts on your SBI Account. (it will be very small amount like Rs. 1.02 or Rs. 1.03 etc..)
12,Now verify your PayPal account by adding these two amounts on PayPal.
13,After you will add both the amount your account status will become verified.
14,Now you’re Sending and Receiving limits has been finished.

If you feel any problem you may ask to me. Once you will verify your SBI Bank Account you can withdraw PayPal funds to your SBI Bank Account directly. It will take usually 3 to 10 working days.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

How to Make Money Writing for Hubpages What is Hubpages?

Before I start getting into detail, I should explain the basics. Hubpages is a website that basically allows you to publish an article on their site. I use the term “article” loosely because it can be as short as an article or more like a single page website. It is completely up to the user. A hub (their lingo for article) can be about any topic you could possibly want to write about. You could create a hub explaining 10 things you wished people knew about you, how to play guitar with your toes, or facts about albino grizzly bears.

 You do not need to be a great writer and honestly, I have seen some people who are terrible writers do quite well. All you need is the ability to say a little bit about something. And who knows maybe hubpages will be the first step to helping you make money from a blog?

So how do you make money with Hubpages?

There are actually a variety of ways, but the simplest and most effective way I have found so far has been by using Google Adsense. After you finish your first hub you can install your Adsense ID and you will begin sharing the revenue with Hubpages for your hubs.

If you pick good keywords (which I will get to in a minute) you will likely begin getting traffic from the search engines within 24 hours of publishing it. If these visitors click on the ads you will get a cut of that revenue (I think it is 60%).

My results during July

I spent most of July trying to create a hub every day or so and I am now up to 23 hubs. I didn’t do the best job with keyword research and did very little if any work after creating the hubs and yet adsense still made $47.14 in March.

This breaks down to $2.05 per hub/month. Two dollars doesn’t sound too exciting, but if you consider that is probably completely passive income it is pretty exciting. In theory, that $2 per hub should continue paying that each month – and to be honest most pages do better in the search engines after they have been around a few months or more. So it very well could increase over time as well.

I am going to continue to create some more hubs during the month of August and see what the results are. I will try to keep this post updated with the new results each month.

Steps to get started

If you are interested in giving this a shot, these are the steps to get started.

    ► Sign up at Hubpages
    ► Create your first hub. Once you get to the design page, it is pretty self-explanatory.
    ► Sign up for an Adsense account (if you don’t have one). This might take a couple days to get approval.
    ► Add your Adsense ID to Hubpages. When you are logged into Hubpages, you click the “My Account” button, and then the “Affiliate Settings” link. This is where you will install your Adsense ID.
    ► That’s it. Once it is installed, you will begin making money when someone clicks on the ads. Warning: do not click the ads yourself or tell others to click them. Google will catch you and will ban you from the program.

Keys to succeeding

Keyword research

This is probably the most important part. The title of your hub needs to be based on your keyword research. A good place to look is Google’s Keyword Research tool – drop in some keywords that your article might be about and see what comes back at you. I believe this is more of an art than a science, so just find a keyword phrase that is being searched for and give it a shot.

But I do suggest looking for longer phrases, i.e. Don’t title your page “ipods” but something like “how to put music on your ipod” would likely work a lot better. But either way, you just have to test to see what works. Sometimes your research will work just like planned and other times it won’t. But the good news is that even if you don’t do any research, you still have a chance of picking up some visitors on Hubpages. But, the more you plan out your keywords the better you will do.

Get Links

Like I mentioned above, I didn’t really get many links to my hubs, but if you can link to it from your blogs and get other links it will definitely be helpful. Submitting it to social bookmarking sites might be helpful as well. Linking your hubs to each other is a good idea too.


Generally speaking the more content you put on your hub the better. I would say 400 words should be a minimum. Shooting for 600-1000 would probably be best. And add as many of the widgets as you can. You can add a news widget, a poll to ask your readers a question, etc. You don’t necessarily NEED to add a bunch of widgets, but it will probably help.

Learn and adapt

Not all hubs will work. In fact, for me of the 23 I have created thus far 5 of them are generating about 90% of the traffic.

Referral Program

Per a reader’s request to discuss the referral program, I will touch on that. The links to hubpages in this article are referral links. I haven’t referred any users in the past and honestly don’t really know how or how much can be made from the referrals – but if anyone signs up via the links, I will add that to the update next month.